Wednesday, February 13, 2008

H. Hatterr meets Mrs. Smythe, who works at her husband's circus:

Damme, I couldn't take me eyes off of Mrs Smythe!

I fell for her, formidable! and fell in an extremely libido way! Maybe, it had something to do with her buxom hoddy-doddy anatomy: maybe, her tight breeches: perhaps, the red boots she was wearing: her whip: maybe, it was the sheer lack of femininity, her 'I may not by easy on the eye, but I'm no lady' personality, a To hell with Agnus Castus! attitude, which made me feel free of all decorum inhibitories. Maybe . . .

I couldn't say.

She sensed my civil attitude towards her and asked me to call again.

* * *
Later, more aphoristically:
This is Life, or what do you think?
You seek a`woman in a medical libido way. She denies. But she promises, though post-dated, to give all, provided you accept her lion!

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