The joys of G.V. Desani's
All About H. Hatterr, in the current NYRB edition anyway, begin with the blurbs on the back:
"In all my experience, I have not met with anything quite like it." -- T.S. Eliot
"I didn't read many books while writing
Augie. One I did read and love was
All About H. Hatterr. . . . So, what about
All About? I hate to be siding with T.S. Eliot . . . but what can you do?" -- Saul Bellow
from the book, which could simply be quoted in full:
"If two tired elephants should decide to sit upon one, what is the worth of one's feelings about it? It is one of Life's little panto-comedies, against which there lies no appeal."
"The earth was blotto with the growth of willow, peach, mango-blossom and flower. Every ugly thing, and smell, was in incognito, as freshness and fragrance: radiant, dewy!
Being prone, this typical spring-time dash andvivacity played an exulting phantasmagoria note on the inner-man. Medically speaking, the happy circumstances vibrated mt ductless glands and fused into me a wibble-wobble
Whoa, Jamieson! fillip-and-flair to live,
live!. . . Then, all in a huff, I suffered an overpowering Hereford and Angus bull-power impulse,
Now or never! Yet, I could not quite make up my mind."