Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Last night's dream:

I was at the Academy Awards, or the rehearsal. They were held at a large house, which was a funeral home, and the spacious grounds, which no doubt were a cemetary. I saw Simon Cowell, judge from American Idol, in what appeared to be blackface. I went up to him to chat, and suggest it wasn't in the best American taste, but when I got there I saw he was wearing make-up in a sort of stripe to suggest the mask of the Phantom of the Opera. I told him what I had thought, adding that I figured it was chocolate frosting spread over his face to make an Othello costume.

Later in the dream I was trying to make my way through the house as the show was starting, alternately in empty rooms and then rooms full of performers (as in chorus line performers) trying to get to their spots. I was just trying to find where I could get a drink.

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