Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1. Already dancing; 2. Hexagonal; 3. Not compendium but playground

Corrections and Clarifications from The Guardian Oct 3, 2009 http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2009/oct/03/corrections-clarifications

• In a collection of photographs, an extended caption accompanied a 1956 picture of Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. It said that Hepburn took ballet lessons to be able to dance with Astaire in Funny Face. In fact she had trained as a ballet dancer in Amsterdam and London before changing tack into acting (Willy Rizzo's best shots, 1 October, page 22, G2).

• Archeological excavations were described at the ancient artificial harbour of Portus, near Rome. The harbour is not octagonal as we said, but a hexagon. We meant to compare the capacity of an amphitheatre that once stood on the site with capacity at the Pantheon, not the Colosseum (When near Rome, 2 October, page 12, G2).

• Writing from memory in a piece defending his work against critics – Why my book is not sexist, 21 September, page 21, G2 – Stephen Bayley said that he had been accused by the presenter of BBC Woman's Hour of producing a "coffee-table compendium of filth for perverts". Jenni Murray has objected that she would never use the word compendium (the same goes for filth). The correct wording of the question she posed in the 9 September programme was: "Has he reclaimed images of the female body or produced a coffee-table playground for perverts?"

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