I was in a very dark place, large and open like a warehouse. Although it also seemed it could have been my house, as at times I thought my cat and son could be there among the many people. It was pitch dark. I couldn't see anything. One, then maybe more, animals attached my feet, latched on to my and bit me, with sharp teeth. Rats? A cat or opposum? I couldn't tell, but it and/or they were fierce and kept at it and it hurt. I was panicking as the attack(s) increased, and was trying to call out "Help" and "Ow!" but my voice was for some reason only a very low whisper. I couldn't see the animals, couldn't kick them off, couldn't knock them off with my hands, though I was afraid to try to use my hands, afraid that the attack would escalate to my hands and the rest of me if I exposed my hands to the animals.
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