Sunday, April 27, 2008

Driving my daughter and her friend R to a party:

As I sit in traffic --

R.: There's a better way you could have gone.

Me: Thanks, R. You are just like my daughter, you don't mention things until after I've done something else. OK -- what's the other way.

R.: I don't know the street name. Do you know where Fred Segal is?

Me: No, R. I don't know where Fred Segal is.

As, later, we pass Fred Segal --

Me: R, that's the street you live on. You should know the name of that street.

R. : Sorry. I only know landmarks.
Overheard at the book festival:

Man and woman at a booth, extolling the virtues of a book they are selling:

Man: . . . and he falls in love with a woman who eats fish.

Woman: It's a dark satirical work.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Song from my dream:

I have one glass eye
and sometimes I can't see at all
but other times I see
that the world's just a giant crystal ball

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sorority girl and fraternity boy at the baseball game. (With another couple, late arrivers and early leavers.)

First there is some complaint on his part about the inadequacy of her costume last Halloween.

He: You said you'd have a good costume, and all you do is dress like a Slim Jim. I thought you'd have something sexy, and you can't do anything better than a Slim Jim.

She: I liked it. Even my brother said it was cute.

The conversation is prompted by a need for costumes for an upcoming day at school, where you show up in costume and start drinking at 6 a.m. Perhaps they should go as Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller from There's Something About Mary. She has the hair for it.

Or --

He: I think you should dress up dominatrix style, with leather, and a collar, and boots, and I could lead you around on a leash.

She: I'd be the one leading you on the leash.

He: What?

She: That would make sense. Me leading you.

He: What?

. . . . after some discussion, she teases him

She: I wear the pants in this relationship.

He: [his big comeback] The retard pants.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Been meaning to post this exchange for awhile, and there seems to be a window of opportunity.

Author at reading, in response to a question, straightens out some details of her heroine's love life. This is followed by a question.

Questioner: So is this autobiographical?
Author: Mom!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Grandmother: My mother used to ask her grandchildren what they thought the world would be like in the future. So now I am going to ask 13-year old N. what she thinks she'll be doing when she is 35.

Granddaughter N.: Probably drawing an unemployment check. [pause.] If all goes according to plan.

Monday, April 7, 2008

"You know, a lot of people say they like rock music, but myself, I prefer roll music."

-- a daughter who learns from her father

Sunday, April 6, 2008

And then I jumped in the river, but the doggone river was dry --

"Long Gone Lonesome Blues" Hank Williams