Monday, November 23, 2009

Moose and Squirrel Hit 50

Our namesake turns 50. Every appreciation insufficient. Here's a dim view of the statue in West Hollywood. But then even in the best of light, he's a little dim.

Also, he remembers everthing he ever has eaten.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bookstore story

Tobias Wolff, in The Morning News:

Robert Olen Butler told me a really funny story about going to a Borders out in Berkeley—Berkeley of all places. You know, he likes to travel around, goes to lots of bookstores and signs stock for them because it helps them sell and he likes to help them sell his book. So he goes into this Borders—it might have been a Barnes and Noble [there has never been a Borders in Berkeley—ed.], I can’t remember which and I don’t want to badmouth one if I’m wrong—she had never heard of him to begin with, the woman that was waiting on him. Then he said, Well I just had this book come out, and he had a nice big review of it and showed her. And he said, I’d like to sign these books. And she said, Well let me see if I can find them. She did find them; they had about 20 copies of his book. Brought ‘em over, he signed ‘em all. And she said, Well do you want to pay for these with credit card or cash?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Song of the day

Can you please crawl out your window?
Use your arms and legs it won't ruin you
(How can you say he will haunt you?
You can go back to him any time you want to.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Way They Write Now

"Put your left hand on the table. Put your right hand in the air. If you stay that way long enough, you'll get a plot," Margaret Atwood says when asked where her ideas come from. When questioned about whether she's ever used that approach, she adds, "No, I don't have to."

Others on the way they write: